Using feet for sensory play activities for under 5s

Using feet for sensory play activities for under 5s

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Using feet for sensory play activities for under 5s

Using feet for sensory play activities for under 5s

Even before your little ones start walking, their feet play a huge roll in getting to know their surroundings and textures. And, as feet are just as sensitive to touch as hands, they are considered a great learning tool.


Walking barefoot, allows kids to explore different textures, whilst promoting

awareness of their senses and their surroundings.

We’ve rounded up some of our favourite sensory feet activities for under 5s.

Sensory walks – exploring the sense of touch


Sensory walks are a fun sensory play activity that provide the perfect opportunity to facilitate sensory play using feet.

Incredibly easy to set up and super versatile, sensory walks allow your little explorers to enjoy coming into contact with lots of different textures and feelings. Helping your little ones to understand concepts such as self-regulation and problem-solving, as well as cause and effect, sensory walks are a great activity to enjoy indoors and outdoors.

Simply use a trail of plastic boxes or a waterproof play mat to create your walk. There’s lots of different materials that you can use including dried pasta, jelly, flour, water, shaving foam, play dough, feathers, shower gel, kids paints, ribbons and paint.

Messy play painting with your feet


Paint is always good fun and kids absolutely love it. And, messy play painting with feet is always a huge hit. Whether you encourage your little ones to make some silly sensory art with their feet, stomp, twist, paint to create different images, or even get them to retell their favourite book using their paint and feet, there’s lots of ways that you can enjoy this fun activity.   

Messy crafts with your feet 

Crafting can be enjoyed by kids of all ages and it also provides a fantastic opportunity for you to bond with your little ones too! From creating butterflies using your footprint through to creating animals with your toes, the possibilities are truly endless when it comes to messy crafts with your feet.

Happy Feet Play Mats - Muffik mats 


Sensory play feet mats are a great way to optimise sensory stimulation. After all, from touch and sound through to colour and smell, encouraging sensory input early in childhood lays the foundation to higher brain processing including learning, memory, attention, emotion, and movement.

Insufficient stimulation can lead to impaired muscular movements, overreaction to stress, emotional disturbances, and learning deficits.

Walking barefoot on Muffik sensory mats can have an immediate impact on posture, balance, and gait. All achieved by improving sensory stimulation through the feet. ​ 

Here are some of the benefits that come hand in hand with Muffik Sensory Mats:

· Barefoot Stimulation Allows Healthy Foot Development

· Barefoot Stimulation Benefits the Brain

· Barefoot Stimulation Enhances the Connection Between the Foot and Brain

· Barefoot Stimulation Promotes Batter Walking Posture

Ultimately, sensory play should always be enjoyable, fun and exciting!

Explore our range of play mats today!